Let me know what you thought of the book. I can’t wait to hear!
You DO think I'm beautiful, don't you, Charlie Brown? ... You didn't answer me. You had to think about it first. Didn't you? If you really didn't have to think about it you would've answered me right away. I know when I've been insulted. I KNOW WHEN I'VE BEEN INSULTED.
I've been irritated over the last few months by the Puget Sound Blood Center stalking me at home and at work with phone call after phone call to get me to go donate blood. I had a bad experience a couple of months ago where they couldn't get the needle into my arm after about a dozen painful tries. It soured me on giving blood. It was the first time I'd tried after years of not being able to (because of the risk of Mad Cow Disease from living in Switzerland in the late '80's). They finally lifted the ban and I thought I should go back to giving blood regularly.Some of you know of my Uncle's accident. He is still in harborview but doing better. The first few weeks were so overwhelming for the family that they had to stop giving out any info. In fact, I had reporters calling me here in oregon because of a little blip I wrote on my blog, who new anyone read it, ha ha.
I just want to encourage everyone, not necessarily for his sake, just in general, to donate blood. Nathan has always been an avid blood donor, me I passed out once after giving blood so I haven't done it in a while, but an accident like this reminds us how important it is to donate blood if possible.
So-if you are able I encourage everyone to donate blood and help save a life. Nate worked at the Puget Sound Blood Center for a few years and really saw how short the supplies can get, they aren't joking when on the news they talk about being short of blood.
Becky !!