It's been a long week and it looks like I may have one more in front of me. Last week I had three late nights putting together bids for potential new customers. During the day I had been dealing with all sorts of things to do with staffing, project quality, attrition, and gross prophit. I won't bore you with the details. I just want you to know that a lot has been going on.
On Friday, I was in a seminar all day on Silverlight (a new tool that Microsoft developed that completes with Adobe Flash) and also joined a sales conference call for two hours in the of the day -- skipping lunch to be on the call. The result of that call is that we passed the first gate in the sales process and I now get to go to Detroit, MI to work on the next step in the process. It's not easy to go from Seattle to Detroit, so it means being gone for basically three days.
One good thing about the folks I work with now is that I have some amazing people on staff. Although we are a bit short-handed, the hands that are on deck are willing to really put in their best all-out effort. Also, we've hired what I hope is our last project manager and he will start on April 7th. With his addition to our team, things should even out for all of us.
On top of much going on at work, church has also been a major time commitment. We had our last ward conference today, so I'm doing teaching the Releif Society lesson to all the wards as of today. We have our semi-annual Releif Society President's luncheon for the stake this coming Saturday and all I have to do for that is bring salad for a dozen ladies. Then our Women's Conference is April 12th. The preparations for that are almost complete, but I still have to put together all of the programs and print out all of the name tags and invitations. It's a lot, but I can see the light at the end of the tunnel.
In between all that, the DH and I will be going to Boise to attend my neice's baptism and then to Anchorage to celebrate the DH's son's birthday.
I think I'm looking forward to May.