Monday, May 26, 2008

Decoration Day

Today is Decoration Day, also known as Memorial Day. I remember reading books as a young girl that talked about families making a big deal about Decoration Day. They would spend a good part of the day at the cemetary and visit all the family grave sites.

Any graves I'm really interested in visiting are too far away for me to go to right now. Perhaps another year, I'll make it Burley or Malad for this day. I'm sure others made it.

The DH and I did visit our local cemetary today though. We took photos of the military section of the cemetary. It really was beautiful.

So, on this day, I want you all to know that I've been thinking of my maternal grandparents and my fraternal grandfather, hoping that their graves were decorated today. I've also been thinking of all those in the military who have put their lives in danger for the cause of freedom. I'm very gratefull for all they do.


Ice Cream said...

I miss being able to go and "decorate" my grandma's and my father's gravesite. It always felt good to clean away the pine needles, pick the weeds, and leave a pile of pinecones on the corner of the stone.

Now we just eat hamburgers.

An Ordinary Mom said...

My thoughts exactly.

Dan said...

It's fun to remember our family members who have passed on. I ate a burger in their honor Monday!