This time, I started training in November. And, I didn't just start training. I made a real commitment. With that commitment, I've already seen some pretty great results. I've actually RUN my first 5K and I'm working to run a 5 mi race in two weeks. I'm confident that I can do those things and that gives me the confidence to know that I can do the triathlon.
This time, I also have a different type of support. My physician is supporting me. He happens to be a triathlete himself and has done some coaching with me in the pool to start improving the swimming. My trainer is actually my friend and is able to push me in ways that no other trainer ever has. That has come with results I don't think I even believed in myself. I have a good friend here in town who is training with me and we're now swimming together once a week (and egging each other on).
I'm not sure I really knew I could do this the other times that I signed up, but I know I can do it this year. I'm also really enjoying the changes that come with training for this really big goal. I feel good. I sleep pretty well. Life is good!