For Easter weekend, the DH and I headed out to Utah. We flew in Thursday evening and headed to the Marriott hotel. On Friday, we walked around temple square and then headed over to
Hires to meet my good friend Shalene and enjoy a Big H. I love their burgers and enjoyed introducing the DH and Shalene to the goodness. Shalene drove down from Idaho Falls just for lunch with us. What a trooper! We had a wonderful time catching up and hearing about all that's been going on for the past few years. Then Shalene turned around and drove back to I.F. and the DH and I headed South to Provo. There, I took the DH on a mini tour of BYU campus. I showed him the dorms I lived in my Freshman and Sophomore years and then we walked around the Student Union building and out to main campus to see a few other buildings. The DH may have also found a new BYU sweatshirt along the way (but I refrained from buying the divine chocolate covered cinnamon bears).
After touring campus, we hooked up with
Annzy and our good friends Darin and Liz at
Pizzaria 712 in Orem. The pizzaria was very much like Delancy here in Seattle. The food was amazing, but the company was even better. We had a great time getting to know the newest addition to Darin and Liz's family, Thor. He's six months old and happy as the day is long. He was such a trouper, even when we could tell he was getting tired.
On Saturday, we lazed around for the morning, then met Annzy at
Red Iquana for an early lunch. This is my favorite Mexican restaurant, and I've gone out of my way more than once to eat there. We had a wonderful lunch and then headed back to the hotel to change clothes and go to the afternoon session of LDS General Conference. The session was lovely and then we went back to the hotel. Things got interesting when Gage called to tell us that E had conked his head with a shovel and they were at the Doc in a Box seeing about stitches. E ended up being OK and Gage still made it down to SLC so he and the DH could go to the Priesthood session of conference at the conference center. In the mean time, Annzy and I got some Jamba and headed South to hang out with the rest of Gage's family in his absence. I swear, those boys E and M are a laugh riot. We had a great time hanging out and enjoyed their stories and antics. By the time the DH and Gage were back with dinner, it was 9:00, so we ate while the kids pretended to be going to sleep.
On Sunday, we drove down to Springville to hang out with my second family, the Conrad's. We had an amazing Easter brunch and of course had a wonderful time reconnecting. This was the DH's first time meeting the family and he was impressed with them. Good thing! It was sad to have to leave, but we had to fly home that night, so we left them all watching the afternoon session of conference and headed back to the airport.
I love visiting Salt Lake and only wish I had more time to connect with more friends. It looks like there will be a big mission reunion in July, so we may just have to plan another trip!