Monday, September 29, 2008

Playing on my iPod This Week (Sep 29) -- Cheryl Crowe

I love Cheryl Crowe's album C'mon, C'mon. It has some really great songs and it's got great energy. It's good music for a sunny day, driving with the windows down (or the top down if you've got that kind of car). I know the DH will laugh because I hate having all the windows down. It's a problem because my hair gets in my face and I can't see. It's a bigger problem if I'm driving than if I'm a passenger in the car.

There's a great video of my favorite song on the album on YouTube that's not setup to be able to embed. The same song is below, without the cool video. This song just makes me want to drive fast (as apposed to all those other times when I'm not at all interested in driving fast -- ha ha!).

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