You DO think I'm beautiful, don't you, Charlie Brown? ... You didn't answer me. You had to think about it first. Didn't you? If you really didn't have to think about it you would've answered me right away. I know when I've been insulted. I KNOW WHEN I'VE BEEN INSULTED.
Monday, April 30, 2007
A Completed Project!
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
Wanna Laugh?
Monday, April 23, 2007
Choosing Between Good and Good
When I was a little kid, I remember hearing lessons in Sunday school about making choices. At the time, I was told that there was always a good and a bad choice and I had to make the good choice. Bad choices have consequences that I might not like, so I shouldn’t choose those. Well, now that I’m a little older, I realize that it’s not that simple. Far too often, I’m faced with choosing between two good things. And I don’t mean choosing between Peanut Butter Fudge and Pralines ‘n’ Cream at Baskin Robbins. I mean having to make hard choices about who I disappoint this time because I need to be in two good places at once.
I’ll be the first to admit that sometimes when I have to choose between being in one of two places, it’s because I double-booked and it’s really my fault and the bad choice was not looking at the calendar in the first place. I could write an entire blog about how I do that way too often. That’s not really what I’m talking about here though.
This week I am faced with the choice between two good things. I committed to going to a visiting teaching workshop at church on Tuesday evening. I even signed up to bring a veggie platter. Yesterday, the DH found out that our ward had an assignment at the temple on the very same evening. The DH is responsible for making sure that three couples are able to meet the obligation. That’s no easy task when there’s a visiting teaching workshop the same evening that most of the women are attending.
So, it looks like I get to choose between fulfilling a temple assignment or attending a visiting teaching workshop. They’re both really good things. Of course, when it comes to priorities, I have to go with the DH. Even though I don’t think the temple is necessarily the better choice, it is the place that my husband wants me to be. For now, that trumps everything else, so that’s how I’m making my decision. Perhaps the blog entry should be about prioritizing. It usually does come down to that.
Saturday, April 21, 2007
Girls Night Out
We had dinner at the Azteca at the mall. We talked and laughed and ate great food. After enjoying about two hours together at dinner, we hadn’t had enough, so we went into the mall. An Ordinary Mom and Becky found delicious smelling body butter while Lizzy and I found fun makeup at MAC. The woman helping us was fabulous. I showed Hope the fun features on my new hybrid car and then went home exhausted.
The evening got me thinking about all my great friends. I enjoy so many of the people I’ve met in Seattle that have moved away. As much as we hate to see them go, it gives the DH and me a reason to go to a lot of new places to visit them, so it’s a good thing.
I miss Catherine in Nashville and Camille in Springville. They are some of the best roommates I ever had and they have wonderful husbands and children now that I enjoy as well. I haven’t seen either of them since my wedding and I want them to get to know my wonderful husband too. Too bad he isn’t named Paul like both of their husbands.
I miss my really good friends in Boise too. I’m so blessed to have friends that I’ve known since I was small who I can still get together with now and enjoy as if we had seen each other yesterday. Andrea and Kathy are two of my favorite people and I’m so glad both of them moved back to Boise after years away. Maybe I can join them in the return trek to Boise at some point, but not today. Instead, I’ll just go visit. I’ll see Andrea’s new baby next weekend, and I can’t wait.
I also have amazing sisters-in-law. I don’t think I could have been happier if I’d hand-picked them myself and I’m especially lucky to have one here close by.
I guess this post is sort of connected to the post about my “Person” in that I’ve been thinking about the huge web of folks who support me in my life. I’m so glad there are many friends out there so I never have to worry about being alone. Here’s to all our friends, however we know them. Who are your friends and why do you stay in touch?
Friday, April 20, 2007
What? Me, Thinking?

These are the rules:
- If, and only if, you get tagged, write a post with links to 5 blogs that make you think.
- Link to this post so that people can easily find the exact origin of the meme.
- Optional: Proudly display the 'Thinking Blogger Award' with a link to the post that you wrote (silver version, gold version)
Like The Duchess, I read a lot of blogs. Many of them make me think, so I’ll try to choose five. It’s tough, but I’m up to the challenge.
An Ordinary Mom – She’s in a very different stage of life than I am, but many of the things she writes about are so universal that I can’t help but enjoy them and even respond. I also think she has one of the most wonderful families and I appreciate her sharing her challenges and joys with us.
Feminist Mormon Housewives – This is a big blog that covers a lot of area. It makes me feel like there might actually be others that think like me at the same time it makes me uncomfortable. And the discomfort is that really great kind that you get in a good college course that challenges your way of thinking and makes you ask yourself why you have the notions you do.
Dooce – She’s a great writer and I feel like a huge voyeur watching her life. It’s OK though. She likes it that way.
Anna Maria Horner – She makes me think I might be able to do some of the really cool crafts that she does. I have a million ideas when I read her blog. I haven’t done any of them yet (see my five obsessions blog to understand more), but I love all the cool things she does.
Mental Tesserae – She’s a humanities professor and mom of four that never quits with the interesting information and insights. I love seeing her choices of art and the connections she makes between art and life. She’s also a fabulous writer and I would love to be half so talented. I'm usually just a lurker on her site, but I really do love it.
Well, that's my list. There are so many others, but maybe they'll have to just wait for another good post.
Monday, April 16, 2007
Five Obsessions
An Ordinary Mom tagged me for the obsession meme. I am supposed to list five things I am obsessed with right now. In no particular order...
- E-mail and blogs – it’s a little embarrassing to say that I check e-mail and blogs too many times a day, even when I’m not working. As an example, I checked my hotmail account at least four times while out of town in Chicago last week.
- Watching Gilmore Girls – It must be an obsession when the writing has become so horrible and the characters so morphed from the ones I grew to love at the beginning of the series, but I still have to see every episode.
- Shopping for shoes – I don’t always buy and I just can’t bring myself to pay more than $100, but I love to buy shoes and you can tell if you see my closet. I’ve tried to channel the obsession in $5 flip-flops to decrease the cost of this particular obsession.
- Checking my bank balance – So, this one is just plain weird. I know. It’s not like it even changes that much in 24 hours, but I have to check it at least once a day. I think I got paranoid at some point about someone getting access to my account and stealing all my money, so I have to keep my eyes on it at all times. Or maybe I’m just a little obsessed with my bank balance.
- Starting craft projects – You’ll notice that I didn’t say finishing craft projects. That’s not what it’s all about. Sometimes someone else finishes the project for me, sometimes I abandon it altogether, and sometimes I actually do finish. The rush for me is in the planning and the starting, but not so much the execution of the project. Bummer for me since I’ve started some really amazing projects.
Who's Your "Person"?
I've been thinking about who my "Person" might be and I've had a hard time deciding on just one. When the DH proposed, my "Person" was my mom. When I got the job I have now at MS, my "Person" was Sam. When I got rear-ended on the freeway, my "Person" was the DH. I also realized that it has changed over time. There may have been that one "Person" in the past, but now I have a really great collection of people that I want to share my life with. It makes me think that I don't really have just one "Person" and I think that's OK.
I'm not sure I have a great answer, but I'm curious about you. Who's your "Person"?
Monday, April 09, 2007
The Sister Who Sews
Wednesday, April 04, 2007
Easter Morn
Leaving Las Vegas
Then we had some of the best sushi. Who knew you could have great sushi that far inland? We had a lovely afternoon and then had a great dinner at Chicago Joe's. It was great Italian fare and we all left fat and happy.
After another short night, we flew home on Tuesday morning. I was so glad to sleep in my own bed Tuesday night!
Monday, April 02, 2007
Valley of Fire
Viva! Las Vegas
That evening, we went to our second show, Mystere. It was really different from LOVE. It had really cool ethereal music and great acrobatics. The costuming was surreal and it was a lot of fun. We really enjoyed it and decided that it doesn't really compare with LOVE. They were both great in really different ways.
LOVE is All You Need
We went to The Mirage casino, got some popcorn and diet coke, and went to see Beattles' LOVE from Cirque de Soliel.
YouTube video from Beatles' LOVE
It was amazing. It gave me goose bumps. We both really like the Beattle's music, so we knew we'd enjoy that part, but the rest of it was beyond our imagination. They do amazing things with costuming and acrobatics, not to mention the imaginitive coreography. The tickets were very expensive, but we think we got our money's worth and we'd definitely recommend it to anyone making a trip to Vegas.