Thursday, August 27, 2009

The Best Years of My Life

Four years ago today, the DH and I were married in the Seattle temple, had a wonderful luncheon at Ivar's Salmon House, and then had a great party in our back yard to celebrate with all of our friends. It was a fantastic day! I couldn't imagine that I could be more in love or happier than I was on that day.

What a surprise. I really am more in love and happier today than I was four years ago. The DH has been a wonderful influence in my life and helped me to live a more full and enjoyable life. I love him and I'm in love with him. It's a great place to be.

In the last four years, we've traveled to Victoria, B.C., Hawaii, Idaho, California, church history sites, the Oregon coast, and all sorts of lovely places in Washington. We've totally changed how we manage our funds and save for a rainy day. We've gotten new callings in the church that have helped us grow in different ways. We've worked in the yard and shopped at Costco. We've learned to sleep with each other's snoring (I love you, white noise machine!). We've watched friends get married and divorced and felt the joy and pain that go with both of those. We've gone to more live music performances than I can count.

We stick up for each other and we rub each other's feet. We love more now than ever. All of these things have knit us together.

Happy Anniversary, DH!

Update -- The DH sent beautiful flowers to me at work. He knows how much I love fresh flowers and it was a very happy surprise.


Holly said...

Happy anniversary you two! I can't believe it's been 4 years already. Yet at the same time it seems you two have always been together, you compliment each other so well.

Dan said...

Yes, Happy Anniversary you two. You make a great partnership...

An Ordinary Mom said...

4 years already? Wow, the time has flown! You guys are the perfect complements for each other!

PJMcD said...

The Best !!!!!!!! You are that !!!

boisegrammy said...

I remember that day 4 years ago very well. I was thrilled for both of you and neither of you has disappointed me in the ensuing years. Many happy returns and I hope you have countless years together. Love to both of you.