Monday, August 31, 2009

Music Monday -- Grizzly Bear!

I just picked up a new album from the band Grizzly Bear called Veckatimest. Curios what a veckatimest is, but not enough to actually find out. I listened to several of the tracks on iTunes and enjoyed what I heard and now I've listened to the whole album a couple of times. It's a lot more mellow than I expected, but I really like it. I think my favorite track right now is Two Weeks. Take a listen and let me know what you think.


PJMcD said...

Veckatimest Island is one of the Elizabeth Islands, part of the town of Gosnold in Dukes County, Massachusetts, USA. The island has a land area of 0.0675 km² (0.026 sq mi, or 16.675 acres) and was uninhabited as of the 2000 census. [1]

Lucy van Pelt said...

You're such a SmartyPants, PJMcD!