For my 100th blog, I want to list 100 things I love. Because it’s such a long list, I’m breaking it up into categories.
1. The DH
2. My parents and siblings and their families. (I know it’s really a lot more than one, but it just seems silly to list them all out.)
3. My really good friends. I think you know who you are, and you, yes even though you’re not sure, you’re probably on that list.
4. My co-workers. I have a really amazing team at work. We have some ugly customers, but my team is so great. Really good people.
5. An amazing blogger community. Even though I’m a lurker at most sites, I learn so much from all of you and I’m always entertained.
Places (cities)
6. My home in Seattle, especially since the DH is here with me.
7. My old home in Boise. I really miss Boise and hope to return at some point.
8. Sun Valley, Id. This is one place that holds great memories, from childhood ski and camping trips to sisters weekends with the Nuffer girls, to family reunions, it’s just a great place to visit.
9. The Oregon Coast. I love just about any place near the water, but the Oregon Coast has to be my favorite.
10. Victoria, B.C., especially after going there on my honeymoon. The DH and I had a wonderful time there.
11. Washington D.C. has so much history and other wonderful things that I just can’t get enough time there to see all the wonderful things.
12. Salt Lake City and surroundings where I spent my college years. I also have some amazing friends there and can’t get back often enough.
13. Jackson Hole, Wy and Yellowstone Park. It’s not so different from Sun Valley, except that it’s farther away. I have great memories of that area as well. I especially like the Jenny Lake area.
Places (other spots of interest)
14. My bed. Enough said.
15. Pike Place Market. The energy there is just marvelous.
16. Art in the Park at Julia Davis Park in Boise. It’s the weekend after Labor Day and so much fun.
17. My back yard, especially when the lawn is mowed and the flower beds are weeded (by someone else).
18. Greenlake walking path. It’s my favorite place to get out in the world and exercise in the fresh air (even though I exercise at the gym far more than outside).
19. The green belt in Boise, much for the same reasons as the Greenlake walking path.
20. Temple Square in Salt Lake. It’s so peaceful and spiritually uplifting.
21. Stumbling Goat in Seattle’s Phinney Ridge neighborhood. It’s where the DH and I ate on our first date and the food is amazing!
22. Palisade Restaurant in Seattle’s Magnolia neighborhood. The DH and I got a gift certificate for the restaurant as a wedding present. I don’t think I’ll ever afford to eat there again, but it’s great food.
23. Red Mill Burgers in Seattle’s Phinney Ridge neighborhood. I think they’re my favorite burgers and onion rings. I could eat there any day of the week.
24. Musashi sushi in Seattle’s Wallingford neighborhood. This is one place you can get full on sushi for less than $15. Outstanding!
25. Cottonwood Grill in Boise. The location is beautiful in addition to the great food they serve.
26. The Wave in Boise. I put it on the list even though they went out of business. I’m still crying over that one. They even beat out Red Mill.
27. My favorite chain sit-down restaurant of all is Macaroni Grill.
28. My favorite fast food is probably Subway, though I love a McDonald’s Egg McMuffin for breakfast.
29. All time favorite is A Room with a View. I love that movie.
30. The Princess Bride
31. Shadowlands
32. When Harry Met Sally
33. Just about any James Bond movie
34. Any Indiana Jones movie
35. The original Star Wars trilogy
36. Billy Elliot
37. While You Were Sleeping
38. Guys and Dolls
Bands/Musical Artists
39. U2
40. R.E.M.
41. Sting
42. Gomez
43. Neko Case
44. SunVolt
45. Annie Lennox
46. The Beatles
47. Carbon Leaf
48. Portishead
49. Norah Jones
50. “Night Swimming” by R.E.M.
51. “They Dance Alone” by Sting
52. “Passionate Kisses” by Mary Chapin Carpenter
53. “More Love” by the Dixie Chicks
54. “Feels Like Home” by Bonnie Raitt
55. “Bleed Like Me” by Garbage
56. “Fernando” by ABBA
57. “Iris” by Goo Goo Dolls
58. “Mais Que Nada” by Sergio Mendez and Brazil 66
59. “Grandma’s Feather Bed” by John Denver
60. “Russian Easter Overture” by Rimsky Korsokov
61. Beethoven’s 9th Symphony
62. A Month in the Country by JL Carr and Michael Holroyd
63. My Antonia by Willa Cather
64. A Man for All Seasons by Robert Bolt
65. Shakespeare’s sonnets (yes, I know that’s not really a book)
66. 1,000 Pieces of Gold by Ruthan Lum McCunn
67. Man’s Search for Meaning by Viktor Frankl
68. My mom’s fried chicken with new potatoes and cream gravy. This is my very favorite meal and it’s the best when you eat it in late August with potatoes from the garden and some fresh corn on the cob from some guy selling out of the back of his pickup. That’s home and heaven all in one. (It brings a tear to my eye just thinking about it.)
69. Homemade macaroni and cheese.
70. Risotto made with the authentic Italian recipe I got from my old roommate Jill. It’s from the Italian cooking school she went to. In Italy. Taught by real Italians. Teaching her how to make real Italian food.
71. My mom’s spaghetti. I can’t repeat it and no other spaghetti tastes quite right to me.
72. Evelyn’s rolls (but homemade by me).
73. Oatmeal chocolate chip cookies.
74. Watermelon. The DH swears he could lure me into anything with watermelon.
Articles of clothing
75. My Minnesota Golden Gophers sweatshirt. I don’t know why I love it so, but I do.
76. Comfy jeans.
77. Bare feet. (I know that’s not really an article of clothing, but this seemed the best category for it.) I hate having socks on – ever! And I don’t like wearing shoes unless I have to.
78. Open toed shoes that show off my pedicure.
Other random things for which I can’t think of a category
79. My engagement ring and wedding band.
80. Big hugs from the DH.
81. The awesome earrings the DH bought me at the airport last month.
82. Grilling in the back yard with friends.
83. Blogging
84. The DH’s clean shaven face.
85. New shoes. Well, new clothes too.
86. Clean sheets.
87. All the chores done.
88. The smell (and sound) of bacon cooking.
89. Breakfast made by the DH.
90. Laughing babies.
91. Swimming two whole laps without stopping and while breathing off to the side instead of lifting my head straight out of the water.
92. Birthdays. (This is mostly for the cake, not the presents.)
93. Fireworks, especially the really huge displays that you see at big events.
94. First snow.
95. The feel of a crisp fall morning.
96. 72 degrees and sunny skies.
97. Having a job that challenges me.
98. Taking fun pictures.
99. Feeling healthy and happy.
100. Being so blessed in so many ways that I can hardly think how to show my gratitude.
P.S. I'm back online at home, but no wireless network. Baby steps. The DH is happy again, or at least he will be when I finish this post and let him get on the internet.