Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Sunny Days, Sweeping the Clouds Away...

I'm not sure which came to Boise first, PBS with or without Sesame Street, but I don't remember a time without the show. I watched it regularly as a child. It was just a staple of television and it was great. We also had a Sesame Street album that we played a lot. I'm sure my mom got tired of some of those songs, but we all knew the words and could sing along, and we loved it.

I had no idea that it might be subversive or thought of as cutting edge. It was just plain fun. It was one of the first actual children's television shows meant to be educational. It's good stuff. The best part, of course, is the series of outstanding guest appearances that they've had over the years. I'm sure there are many more clever ones, but here's some fun music by Feist. She's great.


boisegrammy said...

This took me back to another life. Busy days with young children, helping them to learn and sometimes using the TV in the process.

LizzyP said...

Love it! I love the video for 1-2-3-4, so I thought it was cute how they tried to replicate some of the filming techniques.

Gage said...

So much has changes, yet it is still Sesame Street today. Good memories!

car pictures said...

Good memories